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David Walliams章节书全套作品 英国大卫威廉姆斯儿童成长系列









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2022-11-18 08:00:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

对英国的孩子而言,这些书都是最近流行的小说。在伦敦坐在地铁里,坐在火车上,随时可以看到一个10岁不到的小孩,捧着一本厚重的童书聚精会神的看着,细心的留意了一下,会发现大部分人都在追捧一位叫David Walliams的书。


新书尝鲜:David Walliams作品[章节书]

作者: David Walliams

出版社:HarperCollins Children'sBooks

难度级别:AR 4.1~5.2,适合年级:4-8年级

David Walliams

David Walliams

David Walliams

David Walliams

— 分册内容简介 —

NINE hilarious and moving novels from bestselling, critically acclaimed author, David Walliams, in one box-set!


When Tom gets hit on the head by a cricket ball, he finds himself at Lord Funt Hospital, and is greeted by a terrifying-looking porter. Things go from bad to worse when he meets the wicked matron in charge of the children’s ward…But Tom is about to embark on the journey of a lifetime!

GRANDPA’S GREAT ESCAPE 飞行员爷爷的空中逃亡(AR难度级别5.2):

Many years ago Grandpa was a World War II flying ace. But when he is sent to old-folk’s home Twilight Towers – run by sinister Matron Swine – it’s up to Grandpa and his grandson, Jack, to plot a daring escape. Little do they know the wicked matron is on to them…

AWFUL AUNTIE 恶魔姑姑的可怕计谋(AR难度级别5.0):

Stella Saxby is the sole heir to Saxby Hall. But awful Aunt Alberta and her giant owl will stop at nothing to get it from her. Luckily, Stella has a secret – and slightly spooky – weapon up her sleeve…

DEMON DENTIST 魔鬼牙医(AR难度级别4.8):

Strange things were happening in the dead of night. When children put a tooth under their pillow for the tooth fairy, they would wake to find something creepy in its place. Evil was at work. But who or what was behind it?

RATBURGER 少女驯兽师和她的霹雳鼠(AR难度级别5.0):

Can Zoe keep her beloved pet rat safe from the clutches of the dastardly Burt of Burt’s Burgers?

GANGSTA GRANNY 了不起的大盗奶奶(AR难度级别4.9):

Ben’s grandma is the boringest grandma ever: all she wants to do is to play Scrabble and eat cabbage soup. But there are two things Ben doesn’t know about her:

1) She was once an international jewel thief.

2) All her life, she has been plotting to steal the crown jewels, and now she needs Ben’s help…

BILLIONAIRE BOY 钱堆里的男孩(AR难度级别4.1):

Joe has a lot of reasons to be happy. About a billion of them, in fact.

He has absolutely everything he could possibly want.

But there’s just one thing he really needs: a friend…

MR STINK 臭臭先生(AR难度级别4.7):

Mr Stink stank. He also stunk.

And if it was correct English to say he stinked, then he stinked as well…

But there’s more to this vagrant than meets the nose!

THE BOY IN THE DRESS 穿裙子的小男子汉(AR难度级别4.2):

Dennis was different.

Why was he different, you ask?

Well, a small clue might be in the title of this book…

David Walliams资源目录

David Walliams资源目录

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