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牛津阅读树魔法钥匙动画片英文版 第一二季 百度网盘 |
今天跟大家分享的,是BBC牛津阅读树动画 Oxford Reading (The Magic Key神奇之钥)动画版第一季、第二季,共计26集,每集14分钟左右。这里特别推荐同步阅读牛津阅读树Stage 5的小朋友开始观看。 牛津阅读树魔法钥匙动画片 本动画根据Oxford Reading Tree系列“神奇之钥”(The Magic Key)改编, 快来和Kipper, Biff, Chip 和他们的朋友 Wilf, Wilma和小狗狗 Floppy一起,加入神奇的动画之旅吧,一定会成为小朋友的最爱,并一遍一遍的观看! 牛津阅读树魔法钥匙动画片 第一季 1. HMS Sweet Tooth 2. Lug and the Giant Storks 3. The Rook King 4. Clutterland Band 5. Troll Talk 6. The Patchworker 7. Code Calling 8. Zandoodle and the Wheezlebang 9. Biff of the Jungle 10. Nadim`s Machine 11. The Flying Circus 12. Fraser The Eraser 13. The Anneena Academy 第二季 1. Dragon Land 2. The Queen of Hearts 3. Floppy and the Puppies 4. The Giant and the Knee Nibblers 5. The Cream Cake Mystery 6. Master Hansel and Miss Gretel 7. The Sound Monster 8. Tumbleweed Desert 9. The Stone of Contentment 10. The Demon Drill 11. Fabulous Fancy Foods 12. The Fountain of Youth 13. Underwater World 哈哈,一起和Biff、Chip和Kipper去Dragon Land探险吧!
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